Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Bounty Paper Towel Commercials are Some Bullshit

Y'all...DAFUQ is up with Bounty commercials? Have you seen this?

. If you don't feel like watching the video, here's the basic run down.

-[big brother is blowing bubbles in his chocolate milk to entertain little brother, spilling chocolate milk all over the table]
-The mother goes, "Oh, look at that! My son is doing that thing I've told him not to do a million times! Isn't that charming? Gee, he sure is making a mess! That's okay though because I love cleaning up messes ever since I got these Bounty paper towels. Look at that, this little brat even managed to get Chocolate milk on the floor, good thing I have these Bounty paper towels. I'll just clean this all up while smiling at my kid and not saying anything to him about the mess he made or asking him to help me clean it up. Actually, I will encourage the younger kid to do the same thing, because I just LOVE any excuse to use these paper towels and not teach my kids manners!"

This has never happened in any house, ever. Not even when paper towels were first invented.This is what a real mom would look like in this situation:

Here's an idea for a real Bounty commercial, starring me and based on a true story.

-[Samantha walks in the door after a long day at work and smells something. Is that...yep...the dog pooped on the floor]
-Good thing I have these Bounty paper towels! These will make cleaning this up easy and fun! That darn dog, always making a mess, let me smile at her fondly while I clean this up...Oh...oh dear. I got some on my hand.
-[cut to me gagging while huddled over the garbage can]

-[cut to me furiously scrubbing the floors]
-Voice over: Bounty, because sometimes you need to get poop out of the little cracks in your wood floor.

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